Water and Health in the care of scientists
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Как цитировать

FRIPTULEAC, G. (2022) «Water and Health in the care of scientists», One Health & Risk Management , 3(2S), сс. 3-4. доступно на: https://journal.ohrm.bba.md/index.php/journal-ohrm-bba-md/article/view/314 (просмотрено: 22декабрь2024).


The United Nations Conference on the Environment in Rio de Janeiro on December 22, 1992, adopted the decision to make March 22 the World Water Day. In 2022, this day would focus on the theme of water recovery. The possibilities were highlighted, but also the tasks to implement measures to improve the supply system and water quality were put in front of all leaders, the general public, nongovernmental organizations, the media. In this context, the national conference with international participation “Water and health: achievements and challenges”, which had been held under the auspices of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova, was quite eloquent.

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