Editing guidelines


In order to facilitate the evaluation of the manuscripts, the authors are requested to comply with the requirements. Therefore, please follow the instructions carefully to make sure that your work is evaluated and published as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Rules of Drafting

The manuscript (written in English and French) should be in accordance with the guidelines published in: Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journal (1994) Lancet 1996, 348, V2; 1-4 (www.icmje.org).

The manuscripts should be written in font Cambria, size 11 points, spaced at 1.0, fully justified alignment, fields 2 cm on all sides. All pages must be numbered consecutively (in the right bottom corner) and continuously. Abbreviations should be explained at first occurrence in the text and should not be excessively used.

The manuscripts must not exceed the number of words (without the title, affiliation, abstract and references): review articles – 4,500 words; research articles – 3,000 words; expert opinions – 2,500 words; case presentation – 1,700 words; experimental and clinical notes – 1,300 words; book reviews and presentations – 2,000 words; teaching articles – 4,000 words.

The volume of tables and figures should not exceed ⅓ from the volume of the manuscript.

The journal reserves the right to make any other formatting changes.

Rejected manuscripts are not returned.

All manuscripts submitted for publication should be accompanied by two abstracts: in the language of origin of the article and English.

Title and Authors

The title should be as short as possible (maximum - 120 signs with spaces), relevant for the manuscript content. The names of the authors should be written in full: name, surname (e.g.: Jon JONES). Affiliation should include: Department/Unit/Chair, University/Hospital, City, Country of each author. Beneath the affiliation, the author`s details and contact information – e-mail address (e.g.: corresponding author: Jon Jones, e-mail: jon.jones@gmail.com, tel.).

The Structure of the Manuscript (review articles, research articles)

The manuscript should comprise the following subheadings (capitalized):

- INTRODUCTION (will reflect the topicality and the general presentation of the problem studied, purpose and hypothesis of the study)
- MATERIAL AND METHODS (describe how the study was organized: methods, equipment and apparatus used, sample (human and animal subjects, if applicable), how data were used, statistical methods applied, risks that may arise during experiments (risk of explosion, toxicity, etc.), special handling procedures, waste disposal, if applicable, etc.

- ETHICAL APPROVAL (specify the presence or absence of a positive opinion from the ethics committee: no, date, institution ad informed consent)

The Structure of the Manuscript (case presentation)

The manuscript should comprise the following subheadings (capitalized):

- CASE PRESENTATION (this section provides the details of the case in the following order: patient description, case history, physical examination results, results of pathological tests and other investigations, treatment plan, expected outcome of the treatment plan, actual outcome)

The summary should contain 1,600 signs with spaces:

- Introduction
- Material and methods
- Results
- Conclusions
- Key words: 5-7 words.

The summary should not include tables, charts, and bibliographic notes; information not included in the article.

Figures. The text included in figures should be written in font Cambria, 10 point. Each figure should be accompanied by a heading and legend. They should be numbered with Arabic numerals and placed in parentheses (e.g.: fig. 1). Both the title (e.g. Figure 1) and legend are centred, below the figure.

All the submitted figures should meet the following requirements:

  • Images (colour pictures and diagrams) are performed on the computer, the original file is attached (*.xls). The image should be minimally processed with the only accepted adjustments of size, contrast and brightness; arrows, scales, and other benchmarks, identifying points of interest are allowed; these should be accompanied by appropriate legends.
  • Color photos are scanned at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and processed on the computer, the original file is attached (*.jpg).

Tables. The text included in tables should be written in font Cambria, 10 point. Each table should be accompanied by a heading. Tables should be inserted into the text and adjusted to the width of the page. The tables are numbered in Arabic numerals and mentioned in body text in parentheses (e.g. tab. 1). The title of the table is centred on the top of the table (e.g. Table 1).

References are numbered in the order they appear in the paper. The reference sources are cited at the end of the article by using AMA style and will include only the references cited within the text (the reference is numbered within round parentheses). The in-text citations that appear more than once are numbered similarly as in the first citation. The number of references should not exceed 50 sources. The scientific authors are responsible for the accuracy of their writings. The reference list should include only those references that have been consulted by the authors of the manuscript. The elements of the reference sources are written exactly in accordance with the requirements (download Reference Citation examples).

Author’s Responsibilities

Author (s) should:

  • be responsible for the accuracy of data presentation and obtain any necessary authorization for publication;
  • confirm that the submitted manuscript was not accepted for publication in another journal. In case that the fragments of the content overlap with those published or transmitted for publication, the authors must ensure the recognition and citation of the source;
  • confirm that all the studies in the submitted manuscript are original, acknowledge and cite the information reproduced from another sources. Obtain permission to reproduce any information from other sources. The author must not admit plagiarism in any form ("passing" the fragments of some publications as the author's own ideas, copying or paraphrasing substantial parts of the publications of other authors (without attribution) and even claiming the results of research performed by others). Plagiarism is unethical publishing behaviour and is unacceptable. Manuscripts containing plagiarized text must be rejected; 
  • contribute to study planning and designing; data acquisition, analysis and interpretation;
  • ensure that any study on human beings, animals conforms to national, local and institutional laws and requirements and confirm that approval was requested and obtained, as appropriate. Authors must obtain the express permission of human subjects and respect their confidentiality; 
  • know that the content of the manuscript is the sole responsibility of the author (s);
  • ensure that the final version of the submitted manuscript was viewed and accepted by the authors (in the case of manuscripts with more than one author);
  • declare any conflicts of interest;
  • promptly notify if a significant error was identified in their publication and cooperate with the editorial board to withdraw the publication or correct the error;
  • corresponding author must ensure that all co-authors have made specific contributions to the research and writing of the manuscript.

By submitting materials for publication in the journal, the authors and co-authors confirm that:

  • accept the conditions set out below, by completing the Cover Letter (download the Cover Letter pdf; doc);
  • allow the publication in Open/Free Access and the distribution of the materials in the print and online variants both through the electronic page of the magazine, in the IBN, as well as through the BDIs in which the magazine is indexed;
  • the copyright is fully respected.

Note: If a paper submitted for publication contains information from other publications, its authors must assure the editorial board of the magazine that they have written permission, the authors of the material mentioned, to use some data in a new analysis or this fact is well understood from the bibliographic references.

In order to be able to publish the selected materials, the editorial board of the magazine requests the agreement of the authors and co-authors, by completing the Author's Declaration (download Author's Declaration pdf; doc) - signed by all authors and scanned. The specific contribution of each author will be indicated in accordance with CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy).