The Editorial Board:
- is responsible for the quality of the materials published in One Health & Risk Management;
- decides to accept or reject a manuscript for publication based on the manuscript importance, originality, clarity and relevance for the journal;
- evaluates manuscripts regarding their intellectual content, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, ethnic origin, citizenship or political philosophy of authors;
- presents the names of authors and co-authors on the published manuscripts, corresponding to the data submitted for publication;
- protects the evaluators identity;
- does not disclose any information about the manuscript transmitted to anyone other than the author, reviewers, potential reviewers;
- maintains confidentiality and does not use the personal information or ideas obtained in the evaluation process for personal benefit;
- avoids manuscripts correction without authors and co-authors consent ;
- cooperates with authors if a significant error is identified in the manuscript in order to correct the error or retract the manuscript;
- rejects manuscripts in case of identifying conflicts of interest between author / authors and reviewers, resulting from competitive or collaborative relationships or other connections. It is the duty of the editor-in-chief to identify another reviewer who will review and accept the manuscript;
- provides clear guidelines for authors to submit manuscripts for publication.