Maximizing the effectiveness of patient satisfaction surveys for COVID-19 in India: A DELPHI based validation process


Delphi Technique
Public Health
Research technology

How to Cite

SAEED, S., KAUR, K. N., SINGHAL, M., SHANNAWAZ, M., NIAZI, F., KUMAR, B. and ANANT AWASTHI, A. (2024) “Maximizing the effectiveness of patient satisfaction surveys for COVID-19 in India: A DELPHI based validation process”, One Health & Risk Management , 5(4). doi: 10.38045/ohrm.2024.4.03.


Background: The COVID-19 pandemic in India led to a significant increase in healthcare costs and a decrease in patient satisfaction. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a questionnaire to gauge patient satisfaction with healthcare services during the COV-19 period in India. Methods: An e-Delphi method was used to design and validate the questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 18 closed -ended questions aimed at assessing patient satisfaction levels among patients affected by the disease. The instrument was validated by a panel of experts, including healthcare professionals, researchers, and public health professionals, using a series of structured rounds. Results: The developed questionnaire was able to capture the multifaceted patient experiences during the period, providing an essential tool for both policymakers and healthcare providers, facilitating a deeper understanding of and response to patient needs. Moreover, the questionnaire was tailored to the cultural and healthcare-specific contexts of the Indian population, considering language, socio-cultural factors, and healthcare practices unique to the region, ensuring the instrument's relevance and effectiveness. Conclusions: This study aims to fill a critical gap in the assessment of patient satisfaction in the context of a healthcare crisis in India, emphasizing the need for use of Delphi Technique for the purpose of validating a questionnaire and obtaining accurate and meaningful data for healthcare improvements and surveys.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Shazina Saeed, Karuna Nidhi Kaur, Manmohan Singhal, Mohd. Shannawaz, Farah Niazi, Bhavna Kumar Kumar, Aanchal Anant Awasthi


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