Anti-Plagiering politikk

Starting from January 1, 2023, the journal One Health & Risk Management submits all manuscripts to anti-plagiarism (minute no. 06 of December 16, 2022).

Plagiarism is the intentional or unintentional representation of another person's words, thoughts, arguments, images, techniques, programs, etc., as being of your own. Plagiarism is considered a copyright violation, which includes the following forms:

-  use of exact content available from another source. Deliberate use of particular compartments of another author's work;

- copying of particular elements of another author's work, including figures, tables, equations or images that do not belong to common knowledge or the intentional use of sentences without citing the source;

- use of downloadable content from different online sources;

-  copying or downloading figures, pictures, images or diagrams without mentioning the source.

Self-plagiarism refers to the exact or approximate reuse of a significant portion of one's own previous copyrighted work without citing the original source.

One Health & Risk Management journal will not agree on a complete or partial plagiarism or self-plagiarism, without citing the proper sources. If the paper has already been submitted to the journal and found to contain plagiarized text, it will be immediately withdrawn from the journal pages and notifications will be sent to the author’s relevant institutions.  The responsibility for plagiarism and fraudulent data lies ultimately with the writer.

If the author wants to use elements from another work, the bibliography should mandatorily include citations of the original source. Otherwise, the authors must completely change the wording and use their own words.

Each author(s) is/are fully responsible for any plagiarism claim or legal action that would result from any breach of the foregoing warranties submitted within the Cover Letter.
